RoNIN Dataset ------------- The dataset contains 327 sequences in total in the format sequence_name |--- data.hdf5 |--- info.json Unfortunately, due to security concerns we were unable to publish ~ 50% of our dataset. HDF5 data format ----------------- data.hdf5 |---raw | |---tango | |---gyro, gyro_uncalib, acce, magnet, game_rv, gravity, linacce, step, tango_pose, tango_adf_pose, rv, pressure, (optional) [wifi, gps, magnetic_rv, magnet_uncalib] | |--- imu | |---gyro, gyro_uncalib, acce, magnet, game_rv, gravity, linacce, step. rv, pressure, (optional) [wifi, gps, magnetic_rv, magnet_uncalib] |--synced | |--- time, gyro, gyro_uncalib, acce, magnet, game_rv, rv, gravity, linacce, step |---pose | |---tango_pos, tango_ori, (optional) ekf_ori HDF5 data description --------------------- Data sources - gyro - Android Sensor.TYPE_GYROSCOPE - gyro_uncalib - Android Sensor.TYPE_GYROSCOPE_UNCALIBRATED - acce - Android Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER - linacce - Android Sensor.TYPE_LINEAR_ACCELERATION - gravity - Android Sensor.TYPE_GRAVITY - magnet - Android Sensor.TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD - magnet_uncalib - Android Sensor.TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD_UNCALIBRATED - rv - Android Sensor.TYPE_ROTATION_VECTOR - game_rv - Android Sensor.TYPE_GAME_ROTATION_VECTOR - magnetic_rv - Android Sensor.TYPE_GEOMAGNETIC_ROTATION_VECTOR - step - Android Sensor.TYPE_STEP_COUNTER - pressure - Android Sensor.TYPE_PRESSURE - gps - Android LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER - tango_pose - Pose from Visual SLAM of Tango device (format: time, position (x,y,z), orientation (x,y,z,w)) - tango_adf__pose - Pose from Visual SLAM with area learning of Tango device - wifi - wifi footprints scanned every 3 seconds. stored in 2 parts |-- "wifi_values" - contains (scan_number, last_timestep, level) |--"wifi_address" - dataset of type string. contains BSSID of corresponding records in wifi_values "raw" group contains data as reported by APIs in format - system_timestamp (nanosecond), API output "synced" group contains time synchronized data from IMU device sampled at 200 Hz - time : System time of IMU device in seconds "pose" group store all pose information (timestamp for data is "synced/time") - tango_pos, tango_ori - tango_pose and tango_adf_pose combined for more accurate pose estimation - ekf_ori - orientation of IMU device calculated using sensor fusion. (Should not be used during testing) JSON data description --------------------- Stores meta information - length : sequence length in seconds - date : collected date mm/dd/yy - device : device_identifier - align_tango_to_body : approx. alignment between Tango device coordinate frame and body - start_frame : dataframe which marks end of pre-calibration and synchronization. (use data from this point forward) Sensor calibration of IMU device. (Please refer supplementary material for details) - imu_init_gyro_bias - imu_end_gyro_bias - imu_acce_bias - imu_acce_scale Time syncronization between the system time of two devices t_imu = t_tango - tango_reference_time + imu_reference_time + imu_time_offset - imu_reference_time : approx. time alignments (nanoseconds) - tango_reference_time : approx. time alignments (nanoseconds) - imu_time_offset: : fine tuned time alignments (seconds) Alignment between Tango refernce coordinate frame and game rotation vector of IMU device - start_calibration - end_calibration Orientation drift caluculated using end_calibration - gyro_integration_error - grv_ori_error - ekf_ori_error